Last Poster Before Threadlock gets a cookie (cookie thread v2)

/tempt Ans

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inb4 Faithless or Corrupted Archdeacon roll

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I don’t think you ever told me, which scum faction would you want to roll more?

scumfac is either bd or unseen


Definitely BD tbh

I really wanna see how they play out




So you should just remove HoB, right? :^)

Well it already doesn’t exist so mission accomplished :sunglasses:

what is a dragon to a god

The Golden Dragon

That’s what it is

I’m going to pray to Mithras and Corax just so the Cult wins this one.
GD out.

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what is a god to a nonbeliever

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Inb4 Arbiter wins

i think we all know how the next 5 seconds play out so i don’t even have to explain it

The only NK win I’ll accept is the Mind Flayer.

You don’t want the legendary
Astromancer win?

Hurled into t h e v o i d.

so hypothetically speaking

let’s say you were trying to distract yourself from falling into particular thought patterns

what would you do

(…I feel like this is going to be interpreted in the most concerning way possible, you should be at least 50 percent less concerned than this message sounds like it should make you)

Fail completely because I cannot do this whatsoever

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depends who you’re thinking about :^)