Last Poster Before Threadlock gets a cookie (cookie thread v2)

no dont ruin it
vulgard stop


ur def one of the most pocketable people among your best friends

Wait, what is this?

there were roles called town universals and i think someone pinged him as a joke

so it was prob me or marshal

Oh! I think I remember Marshal pinging him for that.


It’s funny, because I get the exact opposite impression. I think Arete’s weakness as a villager is that they don’t have confidence in their reads and flip-flop too much for their own good.


Which happens to be somewhat similar to my issues as a villager, ones I’m actively trying to fix.

it’s both at times

sometimes they scumlock villagers and never consider any other possibility
other times they scum read wolves and then they reverse that read soon enough
other times they town read villagers and then reverse course, leading to their mislynch

n whats my biggest problem as a villager


Arete’s thought process tends to be a nyooming wave. It goes updownleftrightmiddlebottomupdownaoiegeanjgaekg.

As a wolf, it goes A-B-C-D.

That’s how I read them, as an example.


your playstyle makes good defense impossible
you’re p much doomed socially if ur deathtunneled by multiple strong ppl and have no mechanics to save you

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i was expecting you to just say to post less, not actually have a real answer

I’ve never seen them as scum in lolmultiball, but it wouldn’t work there because you can have genuine progression on the other team’s members despite being scum.

Your current pfp is cute enough.

ive heard rumors others have stolen my pfp


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Speaking of which, multiball’s awesome because everyone can scumhunt. We should host that more frequently.