Last Poster Before Threadlock gets a cookie (cookie thread v2)

Well ans

Vul and i are both mediators

The world makes sense now

The wowld

chloe should we run randomizer with uwuized feedback

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Oh that explains why Chloegard is a thing. Or is it Vuloe?

Also go to sleeeeeeeeep
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magnus is best gamer

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Chwawe and vuwwawd shittinw in da twee :enyeesh:

katze is two hours ahead of chloe
making it…
5:37 for kat

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Italy I wanted to ask this for a while, but why don’t you do D1 reads/readlists in general? :eyes:

because they’re boring to do

Oh god we’re actually pretty close to the cookie.
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three hours

is it actually


Its a HUG this time

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I suppose that makes sense.

i need motivation

i ship it