Last Poster Before Threadlock gets a cookie (cookie thread v2)

tonight corax will gift you with visions of various cats with human noses to prove your dedication to him. . . fail. . . and be purged.

some grass he likes better than others

he likes the weeds that grow around a potted plant in my backyard a lot and will constantly try to escape for it

only beta cats eat grass

in my first wolf game, vulgard called me wolfy on D1 for the dumbest reason and i almost crumbled too

so i made a bunch of content, which he called performative

then we tried to convert him N1, accidentally killed him, and his logs said he thought i was town

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flashbacks to my cat who’d drink through straws

I was going to reply to this comment with “alpha cats eat ass”
but then I considered how monumentally cursed that post would be

and then I posted it anyway


Ans bussing me was probably the biggest part of why the Unseen won SFoL 61.5.
No one ever suspected the other unseen of being unseen until it was pretty much too late.

There’s no failing when it comes to proving my dedication to the Cult.
Human noses or not.

thanks marshal
very cash money move of you

I only hope I do better in future scum games.

Oh lmao I remember reading about this.
But I still haven’t really read that game itself.

what would that test even be?

i didn’t disregard it being a bus i just didn’t really care enough to push it hard since my case was mostly “this isnt out of their ToL range” which is a meh reason overall

and i also hit a DI on N1 so i figured i hit MM and then they were just a bearing hunter

you get better with experience

when you get town so many games it gets hard to emulate what you’re used to doing as town

i was wolf in my 2nd game and it TERRIFIED me nobody really had a meta to go off of since my first game i was… very new

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Probably raw endurance. Being exposed to that horror is a test in itself.

right uhhh about that

corax also said that you should give me $100 over paypal or else you aren’t a true cultist :tm: since your monthly subscription is about to run out

I had a gamer reactiontest where i cleared my highest scumread and then they got converted that night :frowning:

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A true raw endurance test would be doing a full ISO on Alice in CFM2
Nothing better than the worst thing to deal with ever

a test to see how much torture his followers can endure. . .?

idk i was just shitposting

i was a gamer who laid out decent softs and got called out for it in allies chat by my beautiful N2 convert

who then informed me that they had called them out

Joke’s on you, you fool. I already paid this month’s due in blood.

Well your clear was actually correct at the time you did the RT, at least. Convert hunting is hell.