Last Poster Before Threadlock gets a cookie (cookie thread v2)

I realized it was pretty dumb halfway through and merged it into a gamer FPS that ended up falling flat and then winning anyways

the “”"“best”""" part of Mountainous 15er was when Marshal and I were hanging out in an MU deadchat and someone from MU was like ‘yeah slanky low-energy Mist is scum Mist’ and thirty seconds later Marshal showed up in the game thread and was like ‘GUYS I DID AN EXTENSIVE META-ANALYSIS AND MIST IS SCUM’


the best part of Mountainous 15er was having 8 fucking replace-outs in a single game


this aged well

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This sounds like the reverse of eevee’s outside counsel in “ToL” FM

remember when i had good reads

cause i was right on the deepwolf 3rd wolf

just not on the right person :eyes:

Tbh you shouldn’t have thought alice could have been lying about her abilities
You’re right you needed to vote a bot to have a chance. U should have given up the FPS the final day and say at the start to vote a bot, because you’re right rand on alice only gave maf a chance, but rand on bot gave both town and maf a chance. Your FPS was so good that no maf thought you could ever be town, and as such there was no reason to vote a bot in any world.


When one’s FPS powers are just too peerless

i can’t tell if this will inflate his ego or not given the context being that this FPS made his 1% chance of winning the game a 0% chance

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well Leafia locked before I could do anything

if i gave up the FPS they wouldn’t let me in

Nah ur only chance was to give up the FPS fast and make them realize neither of you had any chance unless you all voted a bot

There was no reason for leafia to not lock in on alice right away
Since everyone thought you were NE
and your FPS powers are impenetrable, tbh.

dude she voted before the thread was unlocked

I couldn’t do shit!

there was nothing I could do

Then you should have given up the FPS on the previous day
The math was workable then. Alice had ban powers, Wasn’t entirely impossible to see that alice was going to ban dat for his voting powers.

I hadn’t done the FPS until after dat was banned

Would have been very hard to figure out that dropping the FPS was your only chance
But not impossible if you thought hard enough, imho

my days are off
Before hippo died, on that day, it was possible to get the math right with enough thought and realize dropping the FPS was your only chance.

like you say my only chance was dropping the FPS

but if I did that scum wouldn’t vote a bot, and I couldn’t win, and that’s game. They’d just force me to kingmake between them/alice

Scum only had a chance at rand with both town votes lol

my only chance was convincing them to vote a bot and keep the bot/maf numbers even enough

and I needed the FPS to do that

leafia locking was something that i could not control