Last Poster Before Threadlock gets a cookie (cookie thread v2)

we had good ideas of what abilities were what, and knew that 1 neighborhood was mech heavy, which is part of the reason we dayvigged arete 2 hours and 23 minutes into the game

Even better than any death scene I could come up with :^)

lets be real you would have done this either way

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I mean


but that’s why I had eeveesupport™

I’d make a reference to flavor you planned for Alice.
But that would sound terrible.

you didn’t even quote my best flavor that game


Petition to make Marshal write all IC reveal flavor.

but anstreim, mode was a guilty child

Shh, that’s unnecessary details.


ive seen better

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that was a turbo, i didn’t have time to make art

and by the way, the reveal in itself was the joke, adding cool flavor would not have made it funnier

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i dont think youve done any other IC reveals

I came up with the idea for the flavor for the modeshifter modkill in hell in a cell


I’m once again playing 4chan pokemon

The gym leader theme is darude sandstorm

This is beautiful

do you want me to write actual flavor for your execution :^)

I’ll pass.


Which one of these am I :thinking:

If we go off of the actual compass I’d be Deepwolf
But I don’t have a 100% mafia winrate unfortunately

No offense, but don’t think you’re very good at deepwolfing from the wolf games I remember from you.