Legends of Merathia (A D&D campaign)[Chapter Six: Manhunt]

yes and swords are slashing things

Binkins: I have no idea what you’re talking about!

Valyria uses her insight to determine whether Binkins is lying
1d20 + 2 (proficiency) + 1 (wis mod) = 23 BOIS

Oh he’s totally lying

My my my…

so Binkins, better stop lying right now or I’ll have to ask Grimm here to do something.

“I mean, I could eat him”

“Binkins”: Oh well done, you found me out, well this changes nothing
“Binkins”: Lady Bysteria was just the beginning, you’re with the City Watch aren’t you?
Chronos: Well listen up, fucker, once I’m done, your whole gang of merry men will have never even existed
Chronos: And guess what! I didn’t even kill the Drow, so you’ve still got a psycho killer to deal with
Chronos: Ciao!
He disappears, Jeoffrey falls backwards, his Rapier didn’t appear to move but it’s now lodged in his abdomen, he’s bleeding

Why does that always happen?

Also, shit.

rushs to him and casts cure wounds

“…how rude!”

kneels next to Jeoffery

“Well thissss isss an issssue”

Jeoffrey coughs up some blood, but seems like he may survive

dam it. dam it all to hell

Lucretia runs up to Jeoffrey and tries to soak up the blood with her clothes

I would not believe binkins. after…this I think he was the murder from last night.

how are you feeling Jeoffrey?

(how much HP is he missing?)

Jeoffrey: Chronos…never leaves…anything…to chance
Jeoffrey: If he…killed Kel…we would…never have…found the body
His breathing is heavy, but steady

He is right.

“Who wantsss to help me carry Jeoffery to a bed?”

what if Chronos wanted you to think that?