can I see that for a second?
Sure, it’s useless junk you can keep it if you want
this dagger looks like the priests
Maybe they’re made by the same guy
do you know who makes these daggers?
The markings are different
is there anything else you can tell me about Temper
she reels in a silver necklace and puts it in her pocket
how much stuff is in that sea?
I dunno, probably quite a lot
Val leaves thanks for the talk miss?..
Cerihorn, Thalia Cerihorn
Val…yes I still use my child name
It was nice to meet you
If you ever need anything my father owns a market stall and I help there from time to time
I have no money sadly.
I am living on rations alone right now but I can’t keep it up forever.
Maledith, finishing the mead, thanks the bartender and starts wandering around town
That’s fine
Hey, if the townspeople get mad at you for making the priest disappear, I’ve got a boat by the dock you can borrow
She fishes up a gold ring
I think I’m done for the night anyway, help yourself to any of the junk in the bucket
She leaves
(I am doing this when everyone else should be sleeping)