Legends of Merathia (A D&D campaign)[Chapter Six: Manhunt]

Perhaps we are

“Alright, then there is only one thing to do!”

Rina takes out a copper coin from her pocket

“Flips a coin!”

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Valder come along she holds her hand out you need to trust us. I know your not lying so prove it now. join us

(20 persuasion )

Perhaps you are right

He walks over to the cleric

But what about this one? If she knows of our plan she cannot be allowed out, perhaps we should leave her in here for insurance

“I could eat her.”

“Let Nyssa eat her?”

She is an innocent

Valder can you keep a few minons here to keep her alive for a few days. then set her free?


She stares at Grimm

“You should marry her.”

and by alive I do mean feed her and all that stuff.

“What isss that sssuposse to achieve Rina?”

She can entertain the spirits

Do you play?

Cleric: I do not

Valder: You should learn

so Valder is that a yes to keeping her alive?


“See, she should get married! Then she can wait behind Grimm’s room and clean it and prepare a meal for us when we return.”

Val is slient

Nysia snickers lightly

Cleric: I am sworn to chastity

Valder you have yet to answer my question about keeping her alive

Valder: She will be kept alive

Uln and Rad will take care of her

Wherever they are