Legends of Merathia (A D&D campaign)[Chapter Six: Manhunt]

Valder: Taking bribes? Pathetic!

“No, 've’re taking payment for our job. Why did you run from us, friend?”

I walk up to Valder that was for clearing out the temple of monsters like those goblins

Valder: Once I have slain him, you can have all of his gold

looks around to see if he is still here

Siegfried is moving slowly down the alleyway

Grimm takes the coin purse and puts it in his backpack for safe keeping. “I told you! We can talk this out like honorable folk. I won’t let you kill someone without cause.”

I look over to valder we still need to gather information.

Grimm calls out to Siegfried “One more thing, friend! A man we’ve met is looking for you. I believe he wishes to have a discussion with you.” He says, pointing to Valder.

Valder: The time for talking ended years ago
Valder: Now is that time that I finish what I started

“I don’t know who you are, but what are your reasons for wanting to kill that man? From my perspective, you’ve done nothing but disrupt an honest man from paying these folks for honest work.”

(Valder: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=llLKar19XhA )

Grimm takes his freshly drawn sword and points it at Valder. “'ve can talk, or I can return you to 'ze grave you came from. It’s time to decide.”

Val gets between them now is not the time with everyone watching

“It is always 'ze time to fight for your honor. And I 'vont let him attack an innocent man.”

you can’t punish a evil thought. only a evil act.

you can defend a person. but killing a person makes you as worse as the monster you claim.

now back off Grimm!

“When can it be arranged? The sooner the better, but I can wait!”


“I stand in defense of Siegfried. He is honorable and he 'as paid us. I 'vill not move to kill Valder, but I will not budge in his defense.”

you rised your sword 1st. not Valder

James steps between them as well

“I haven’t seen this man do anything wrong, so unless you have some overwhelming proof, I cannot just stand by and let you claim his life.”