Legends of Merathia (A D&D campaign)[Chapter Six: Manhunt]

“The one the High Priest brought to live? You know that Siegfried is not really a good priest, right?”

“Sso he iss not innocent then”

Looks back at Val

“Hey leave a bit of him for me, I want to eat him”

(Double intimidation? lel)

“Don’t be too nasty. We can solve this all nice and tify without blood. Right, Mayor?”

(How about Good Cop, Bad Cops)

Higgins: I-I don’t know anything, I swear!

“Let’sss sssee if you’re telling the truth”

“Lash’ov voh poz ohv voh old ov ozh ulathomand izh groth izh’domosh sol thok ozh”

Casts detect thoughts on him

He’s thinking “oh shit, what’s a good explanation? Tax money? Sure that works”

Tries to probe deeper

(Wisdom saving throw)

Higgins: Y-you’re reading my mind, aren’t you?
Higgins: Guards! Arrest them at once

casts hold person on both of the guards

“Would you rather me eat you?”

some body get the rope from my belt and tie them up

“I got it!”

Rina gets the rope and tie the guard

Higgins breaks the spell and runs for a window

is still holding him

His legs go runnin but he don’t move

“Can I eat him?”

your not going anywhere.

Casts hold perosn and succeeds kek

Drops him go’s to the guards and manacles both his legs and arms

“Sso, can I eat him or no?”

Higgins: I swear I don’t know anything!