Legends of Merathia (A D&D campaign)[Chapter Six: Manhunt]

you make me sick. your willing to let people die for profit?

Grimm slams the desk with both hands, clenched into fists.
“Everyone there could have their lives in danger! Why didn’t you speak up about 'zis sooner?!”

Higgins: You think I didn’t think of that? Siegfried and his associates have eyes everywhere

we need to get to Nesseltein. and for you leave greesha.

Higgins: I’m not leaving, I have business to a-

At that moment, a voice is heard from outside the window

Voice: Delamora!

Higgins’ sentence is cut off then and there, he goes limp

I rush out to see what is outside the window

A hooded figure is there, it disappears almost immediately

I cast cure wounds on Higgins

It does nothing

he is dead

I inspect how much gold he had

Like 200 gold

I take the gold

and look to the guards. so who is next in charge?

Guard 1: N-noone…we-we-we-we would have to h-have another election

I untie both of the guards and return there manacles

sorry about the paralyze but I did not want you 2 to get hurt

now if you 2 don’t mind. we are going to go save Nesseltein

Guard 2: If you wanna get there, I heard that there’s a special “steedless cart chain” leaving from Frohem that should go there faster than walking or riding

Guard 1: Steedless cart chain?

Guard 2: Yeah, the wheels are magically enchanted to keep spinning

Guard 1: What if it needs to turn

Guard 2: It’s on a special metal rail that makes it turn

Guard 1: Cool

Insight (got a 11)

“That sounds cool! Where can we get on that?”