Jeoffrey: Perhaps it was prejudice, I know that the Drow have never been held in very high regard
“Hm… I don’t think my friends have that problem. Except Grimm but that’s because he’s a Paladin.”
“But then it comesss down to who hasss that prejudice”
Jeoffrey: Surely then, the answer is to ask every suspect of their opinions on drow, and study them closely to see if they’re lying
“How about you? What do you think about Drow?”
Jeoffrey: I have never met any, but my father always says that prejudice clouds judgement, and I believe a true gentleman should treat everyone as he would wish to be treated
“You’re a scholar? I’m not really smart so I shouldn’t know.”
Grimm steps up. “My good sir?! You would imply 'zat Val 'ere killed 'zem?! I’m offended! Val is 'ze most trustworthy person I know, Drow or not!”
“What are you talking about Grimm”
(he was suggesting that val killed the person, no? by bringing up the drow thing. Unless there’s another drow on board that i don’t know about)
(Val is disguised as a human… The victim was a drow…)
Grimm is dumb)
Rina hits her head
“Grimm you idiot!”
Jeoffrey: She doesn’t look like a Drow to me
Nysia screams internally
"I’m not very good at 'zis whole ‘deducing’ thing, so uh… just ignore me! When you all find the culprit, leave it to me to bring ‘zem to justice, though!’
your not very bright are you grimm?
Grimm laughs very loudly and over the top. “ahahaha! You know me too 'vell, James!”
Lucretia looks at Val’s face
“That’s Valerie not James!”