Legends of Merathia (A D&D campaign)[Chapter Six: Manhunt]

really wish but we are busy right now

Busy with what?

Jeoffrey whispers into Lucretia’s ear and she heads off somewhere, Briwyn steps off the express and takes a big sniff
Briwyn: Oh I’ve missed this

its a long story and we don’t have time to explain

Ah I see! I guess I can’t join then. Such a shame, I could have been quite the assest.

I never said you could not join. just not easy to explain. now Jeoffrey where do we go?

“Ooo lizardssss!”

puts an arm around Ixen

“Can we keep him?”

Jeoffrey: We should head for the Arcane university


He swifts awkwardly.

Sure why not, you can always eat him when you get bored.

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Jeoffrey: Nobody will be eating anyone in my city


Smiles cheerfully

“You’re coming with us now!”

its a joke Jeoffrey. I hope


“Please don’t eat me!”

Not even if it is Chronos whose being eaten? shame.

“Aw don’t worry Jeoffery! I won’t eat anyyyyonneeee… Unlessss they annoy me that isss”

“Ahh. Then I shall endeavor to not be annoying.”

to the university we go Val leads the party still looking like a human

Follows Val like a puppy

Awkwardly follows the group of strangers, trying not to be annoying.