Legends of Merathia (A D&D campaign)[Chapter Six: Manhunt]

He nods and awaits for him to arrive, observing his surroundings in the meanwhile

checks her pocket and sees nothing and sighs. she then walks to Grimm how much are we expected to get paid? I am running low on cash. I have not had a nice bed in weeks

The bartender comes back with a small bottle

I haven’t sold this in 18 years, I don’t expect to start now, it’s yours on the house

Maledith smiles

“I will not forget this gesture.”

He then examines the bottle

hears the word free and rushs to snatch the bottle A DRINK

It’s an old vintage

Maledith takes a sip of the drink before Val takes it. He immediately feels like he’s back at home. As Val attempts to snatch the bottle. Maledith quickly raises it in the air, too high for Val to reach.

“Hey HEY!”

Val rushs to steal the drink but bumps in front of the counter and stands up staight


“To a game of what?”

she thinks for a few seconds and makes the mistake of saying


looks at this amused

Maledith smiles

“I never turn down a challenge!”

He grabs two chairs and places them to a table, he sits down.

**she looks a little nervous and begins the challenge **

watches this silly game

Maledith puts his hand on the table

Val uses all her strength she can to try to push his arm down but he just does nothing. a few seconds later she uses both hands and is still unable to move his arm

Maledith looks at Val

“Shall I start?”

He uses most of strength to accidentally break Val’s arm

“Oh shit.”

He tries to hide his smile

she falls to the ground in pain and starts screaming I JUST WANTED A DRINK. I HAVE NOT HAD ANY IN MONTHS

“Well there goes Val”

Maledith laughs loudly and grabs two cups. He puts both of them on the table and pours the Goliath spirit in them.

“Drink up. I respect your attempt”