Legends of Merathia (A D&D campaign)[Chapter Six: Manhunt]

“Let’s hit them with a bang! How does that sound?”

“I prefer to hit 'zem 'vith my hammer. But whatever works!”

Val is dancing its great to have legs again

Valyria is back to her usual quiet self having fully recovered from her wounds.

well we have some goblins to defeat. Val begins to the temple

After rest, Maledith walks over to the temple aswell. He approaches the 3 goblins


The goblins stand in front of the gold as if to hide it


why are you 3 outside of the temple?

Oh, you know how it is

Rina plays his lute as they move closer to the temple. The bumpy road makes her voice shakes a bit as she sings. Her positivity helps, but not much

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“Well, you’re raiding the temple. Raiders must pay for fighting without honor!”

Maledith uses his greataxe to charge at one of the goblins
( 6 acc, 13 dmg )

The goblin steps out of the way

G1: That all you got?

G2: You’re gonna have to do better than that to beat…

G1: Breek!

G2: Skurr!

G3: and Yark!

All together: The Triumverate of Illima!

They do a cool team pose

Roll for Initiative

Rina claps with enthusiasm

Val runs next to Maledith and puts her fingers together causing a cone of fire to come from them hitting each of the goblins

(DC 14. 12 damage for fail or 6 for pass)

then Val holds her ground

Breek and Skurr don’t manage to dodge in time

Time to do this.

Valyria steps forward and tolls the dead on goblin 1, who is Breek she assumes

(Toll the dead, 1d12 -> 5)

Breek fucking dies



"Language! "

Skurr throws a Javelin at Valyria(3 - CRITICAL FAIL!), (6) the javelin goes flying at (2)Val instead(19), Val takes 3(1d6) piercing damage

Yark attacks Maledith twice with a scimitar(9)(6), both attacks miss

hexes Yark and blasts him
Eb = 7 and Hex. = 4]

“I wanna finish thisss quickly”