Legends of Merathia (A D&D campaign)[Chapter Six: Manhunt]

trys to sneakly look around the corner

Grimm walks up “Why did 'ze skeleton student fail his classes? He 'vas a real bonehead.”

before grim can get close I try to pull him back preventing him from going any futher

“'What 'vas 'zat for? I just wanted to join the jokers in the next room.” Grimm whispers

Around the corner are two skeletons, they laugh at Grimm’s joke

One skeleton elbows the other in the ribs

1: Look!
2: What?
1: He’s not a skeleton!
2: So?
1: So, you numbskull, we were supposed to make sure noone comes down here!
2: Oh

walks up to them you like jokes I see

names Val what are your names?

2: Well he’s Fib and I’m-
F: Shut up, Tib, these people are our enemies
T: Oh, sorry

enemies? what makes you think that?

F: You’re not supposed to be down here

under who’s order?

T: The boss

“Where is 'zis boss? He’d be a real bonehead not to reconsider once he has met us!”

F: the boss is in the inner sanctum
T: But if you met him, you’d be totally boned

“Can you direct us to 'zis inner sanctum?”

T: No can do, the boss forbids it
F: And if we did, the things he’d do to us aren’t exactly humerus

Grimm sighs and pulls back his hammer and slams it into one of the skeletons. (Do I get a surprise attack for attacking mid conversation or no? If not, disregard this and we roll for initiative.)

(you do get a surprise attack)
(Which are you attacking?)

Grimm swings his hammer wildly at Tib, missing. “If you won’t cooperate, prepare to fall unholy creatures!”