Legends of Merathia (A D&D campaign)[Chapter Six: Manhunt]

“You’re 'ze one who hired us for this job?! Tell us 'vat 've are here to do or we’ll lock you down here.”

lets see monsters.scary big maybe small unsual any thing along those lines

Cleric: I’ve never been down here, there’s just been noises

well at least those skeletons allowed us to pass and said they were gonna quit.

And what kind of big scary monster did you expect to find down here?

no idea at all.

“'ve are trying to find the source of the evil down here. Can you help us?”

(The ghosts: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=llLKar19XhA)

By skeletons do you mean Fib and Tib?

Don’t mind then, they’re harmless

you know Fib and tib?

Of course

so your a necromancer?

Me? No

I insight that

Grimm, not the brightest, says “Fib and Tib? You mean 'zose skeletons 'zat 've killed on our way in?”

The figure doesn’t seem to be lying

Nysia steps back… And repeatedly hits her head against a wall after hearing that

You killed Fib and Tib?


(I got a 17 on my insight roll)

(That means they likely aren’t lying lol)

I know