Legends of Merathia (A D&D campaign)[Chapter Six: Manhunt]

shopkeeper: that’ll be 15 gold

“You want one too? It’s pretty cool to have.”

looks over to Rina and her eye twitchs you already have 1?

puts it back on the shelf I am heading out

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peacefully follows Val around

Maledith, while following the group, says:

“We don’t have to head to Greesha immediately, y’know? We could go to the mountains, maybe the Goliaths there have something for us…?”

Valder: Siegfried will not stay in Greesha for long, it is imperative that we travel immediately

“Fine, It will take us quite a while though. I don’t think the others can keep up”

Maledith laughs a bit

“We need to make sssure you won’t be killed on ssight”

“No worry! I can use this thing! … I think.”

“You ssshould probably find out how that workss…”

“Whenever 've find 'zis friend of yours, 've must try to solve this as peacefully as possible. I won’t let you go and kill someone 'vithout a good reason, am I clear?” Grimm says to the Wightman

Valder: Friend? Ha! He is no friend of mine

shall we make our way to greesha?

“Hold on, I need to put this over Valder.”

Rina gives Valder a complete makeover.


Valder now looks like a human. A less barbaric and more handsome brother of Grimm, if you want.

nice touch. what do you think Valder? shows his face in a mirror

Valder: I must congratulate you on your skills, I look like I’m 300 years younger
He chuckles to himself

now we must head to greesha. it should not be a long journy I skip ahead well you all coming?

“Thanks! You look like someone I want to marry yourself!”

Valder begins walking to Greesha