Legends of Merathia (A D&D campaign)[Chapter Six: Manhunt]

Val yells out hey fellow elfs we don’t mean you harm. can you just come out and talk?

Rina doesnt sees it and steps right into one.

The rope pulls up, Val Rina manages to avoid getting pulled along with it

There’s a rustling in the trees

“What’s that? Hey, who and what is there? Hey, who and what is there? Hey, who and what is there?”

She repeats the question in common, elvish, and dwarvish

An elf woman steps out from the bushes, and speaks in Elvish

{What are you doing here?}

Val steps up We are only passing by. we must get to the villige of greesha with haste

{Why are you heading there?}

Val looks down we fear wrong doings are happening. and we are going to get to the bottom of it.

{Why do you care what happens to a place like that?}


what do you mean a place like that?

{Any wrongdoings that happen in Greesha are rightly deserved}

may I ask why?

"Is it just me, or is every time we ask why everything becomes more confusing? "

{Greesha is a corrupt city}

we thank you for your warning. however time is of the issue and we must be off right now.

{Leave them, they are not worth it}

we shall be the judge of that

Val keeps on walking