Jeoffrey: I look forward to it
Lucretia: Me too
makes her way to her room, of course passing Lady Bysteria on the way there
(I just want to hear a reaction lel)
Lady Bysteria doesn’t look at Nysia, purposefully
Goes into her room and just reads her shadow book
Night Falls and the express departs
(you still need sleep right)
Grimm sleeps soundly in his room.
Rina sleeps.
Val does not sleep but trances
James sleeps
Morning arrives, the magical soundproofing dissipates and the passengers are awoken by a shouty man ringing a loud bell
Man: Attention! All Passengers are to wake up and report to the seating area immediately!
Val rushs to the seating area
Lady Bysteria makes her way to the seating area, clearly very annoyed
Binkins follows Lady Bysteria
Briwyn walks to the seating area studying a tome
Lucretia sheepishly heads to the seating area
Jeoffrey puts on some nice clothes and heads to the seating area
Kel is strangely absent
Grimm walks in. “Val, is everything okay? What is going on?”
I don’t know. we are waiting on the others
Walks into the seating area and walks over to Jeoffrey
“Do you know what’sss going on?”
Jeoffrey: I’m afraid I have no idea
“What a ssstrange sssituation we have ran into”
Jeoffrey: Indeed
The man rings the bell
Man: Settle down everyone, settle down
Man: Now, I don’t want to alarm anyone, but one of the passengers in this cell was murdered last night
A collective gasp