Legends of Merathia (A D&D campaign)[Chapter Six: Manhunt]

Man: Does anyone know of a way to distinguish magical fire from natural fire?

(Oh yeah, grimm is a thing)

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I don’t believe that is something possible

“Isss there anything in the roomssss that may causssse a fire however?”

The man shrugs

Man: I wouldn’t know
Man: Although, rest assured, we will find the murderer, and they shall be dealt with upon arrival in Nesseltein

do you mind if we help investigate?

Man: I would think that everyone would help in the investigation, after all, the sooner we find the killer, the sooner we all become a lot safer

Val nods and heads towards the victims room

The body has been removed, the rest of the room is charred and burnt

so what happens if we reach Nesseltein with no murder found?

Man: I do not know, I imagine everyone would be detained until the murderer is found

I look to Nysia I am gonna speak with the other guests to see if they know anything about the victim

Go’s to Lucretia Burke

She’s scratching herself and picking things out of her hair

do you know anything about the Victim of last night?

Lucretia: No, miss, I don’t

did you hear anything suspicious last night?

Lucretia: no, miss, I slept like a baby

val nods we will find the murder. she walks off and sees Briwyn sighs and walks up to her

hello do you know anything about last nights murder?

(is still in her human disguise)

Briwyn: No, I can’t say I do, that Kel woman seemed to keep to herself so I don’t see why anyone would want to kill her

did you at least hear anything last night?