Liar - ■■■■ - Canned

this, and after gave some very spesific info about the kinfe, granted the knife reacted to that info

ok Im waiting on Hippos info, but Jake seems like a fine lynch atm


Did you know that the knife didn’t twitch when

Shocking, no?

Meant this

/vote jake

I don’t think the knife and spear are gonna give us much info rn. However I do think players can and so i’m Okay following this lead

Get Jake but I think squid is scum too. I have pretty good mechanical reasons to think hes scum.

after we get jake you better tell us what

/vote jake

/vote Jake

/$heep vote Jake cuz why not

Votecount 2.1
JakeTheWolfie - 7 - Hippolytus, WazzaAzza, SogMan, Marshal, H_Hja, DatBird, htm

He was never seen again.

Night 2 begins, and will end in 24 hours.

Hippolytus dissapeared last night. We can only presumed he was dragged into the ■■■■.
He was never seen again.

Day 2 begins, and will end in 48 hours.

> @Andrej as indicated by the post in the blacklist thread, you must post here. And by that, I mean more than bad film opinions on Shrek.

Okay then…

I only just noticed this.

Also when people die they literally just disappear


/vote Andrej

Extreme Slacking. Would be best if we got rid of them, Town or Not, with them around it gives Town a debuff no matter what.

/vote squid
Hippo had a lead

and now well never know what that was, for all we know he couldve been something like a scorned

/vote andrej
be active or die

He wouldnt have been night killed if he was scorned

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