Liar - ■■■■ - Canned


The spear glows

dont make spear ragequit

gonna reiterate

the spear hears the wishes

the spear does not grant the wishes

I wish that this game became rolemadness where everyone gets an ability of some sort that’s fun.

Take Four

I shall out last this spear

i exist!
not a lie.

exist more

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I added 1 to my existance stat

They didn’t say I was lying when I said that forsaken can’t so I’m assuming that’s a truth

hey glass what do you think of poisoned squid and what do you think about sog based on you harassing him into reading people

Poisonedsquid said nothing of importance how do you expect me to read nothing

that’s the thing owo

wait. so can i claim goodyboi and when i live im confirmed?


No because evils can lie so the knife wouldnt stab them either

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I am town

See i won’t be stabbed eh?

I want to test the knifes paitience and see what happens

there’s no such thing as the town faction this game

I am five dot faction

finna get knife stab stab

there’s just uninformed and informed