Liar - ■■■■ - Canned

New theory: now that we know there are neuts, htm is a neut because the knife reacted to him saying both I am scum and I am town (this whole theory depends on the knife not being bullshit)

What if We play this like mountainous

I have no idea what that is

Basically like vanilla Ignore all mechanics And only Use reads

That seems like the best idea

so jake claimed to be not in the uninformed majority, @JakeTheWolfie whats ur wincon

What do you mean we know there are neuts

Sogman Id be voting you if it wasnt for wazzas post on Jake

because the knife reacted when you said there arent neuts

wait no. it reacted to you saying you know, but not you saying there arent neuts. im confused again

I wish that we can use big text since the host using small text

can u answer my question please

I win when all that oppose the blocks are dead.

and whats ur flavor

I’m a part of the blocks


There’s nothing else for flavor

Not something like you are (name here) in ur card

I am the knife a banshee

any abilities to go with that knife banshee

I stab people for telling the truth don’t see anything

Ok so why do you think Wazza said this

if u have no said passive