Liar - ■■■■ - Canned


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asking for a cfd is a big hunch

I have 1 passive that I know of that litterally is I’m motivated, and I only got that cause I searched for abilities.

Know what let me try something
/smile at HTM


Also fine, I’ll give you the last soft:

My ability depends on how many times something was done by my target.

Just out it, who cares at this point if there was a claim wig I would have died by now

> DatBird smiles, and you all feel a bit better knowing that there’s some glimmering of hapiness in this wasteland.

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Don’t blame me for hardclaiming then…

Depending on the amount of lies my target has made, he would get targeted by an unknown specific action

What is that?

Just happiness that’s it

Ok so who have u checked so far and what have u gotten back?

Andrej got targeted by an invest and if I died he would have died.


why is the knife still reacting to htm if the forsworn is supposed to be the one guy that can lie

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Htm why do u lie,

Especially when this is in play?

And I may or may not have forgotten to target other people

Hmm just like wazza…

It’s complicated and has some stuff to do with my passive.

Idk say ur town one more time. If ur forsworned u shouldnt die

I better not…