I read Litten correctly then got dragged into a load of false reads and couldn’t keep myself alive long enough to win the game. But sitll, I’ll take the compliment i guess?
Top 5 Mythical things that don’t exist
- Hippolytus
- Hippolytus
- Hipp0lytus
- Hippolytous
- Memesky
now this is obviously a “best players” list
The entire list would just be hippo in that case
Wait I think I figured it out
no I didn’t sad
1 Like
What do all these people share and why is Ici at the top?
- 1
- 11
- 121
- 1331
- 14641
Maxwell is one of the most nicest people in the game
Top 5 Most heccin numbers at the top of a heccin trangle
oldest to newest doesn’t work either
Play excentrism?
Most anime
Final answer
thicc pascall
1: Top 5 lists
B: Lists that think they are funny by being self-aware
3: Inconsstency
4: Incorrect spelling
6: Blue Balls
7: Things that go on for too long
- A
- B
- C
- D
- E