List a Top 5 without naming what the Top 5 is about

I need both to finish my drive and to finish the nomic ruleset
which should I do when I get tired of HK next

We arenā€™t playing chess are we?


Gambit get me to abuse my power so you can cause a revolution

I gave leadership to boss like a long time ago

Never trust littens

do it @Geyde :frowning:

Iā€™ll silence you, how about that

No thatā€™s not what I wanted because then it doesnā€™t tell me what a ban does

I know a ban like
Bans your account but does it

make you log out of it? Or can you see stuff still

which reminds me hold on a second



I tried to reset the password then realized I didnā€™t use an email I had access to lmao

wonder who gets the email now

Wait I can find the password

I suspended litten for 5 minutes

1: Gaeyde
2: Icky Balls
3: Solicks
4: Mercefairy
5: Frickitten

Only? :frowning:

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@Geyde xblade lets you ban someone if they ask to, there already was a case of this before