[Look a Turbo!] Popcorn Mafia

Italy is definitely town
So its either me or… DryBones?

afk for a few minutes to begin taking pictures
don’t make me do this for nothing

I will why do you think I’m waiting for the last minute, because I’m posting in a way to try to get as much information as possible

Or Priest.

Shoot me, I shoot Drybones?
Sounds that like a plan?
Or did I oversee something

I don’t know if I believe this but ok

pretty sure priestess is town

I’m Town so if your Town then we need some re-evaluation.

Day ends in 5 mins.


maybe it is Italy

I mean

why cat pictures now

and not later

Does Katze Buss?

Katze is town

i have the pics

that was quick

Yeah it should have been at the start of game!


why take them now and not later

he’s like 5 feet away from me

because speed

who is alive