[Look a Turbo!] Popcorn Mafia

but if me/marshal have the gun we’re legally obligated to shoot eachother

return of texas
yeehaw motherfuckers


goodbye litten

tell sulit i said hi for me

Maybe I shouldn’t quit after all?

time to try hosting if there’s enough ppl

  • I be playing
  • no

0 voters

@sulit plz make OP a wiki

sorry for disappearing

had to deal with work shit


my strat doesn’t include being townread as town :wink:
but it isn’t needed to win
I always try to calculate so that we can mislynch me AND win

i will edit people in idk how to wiki

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@Arete wiki it nerd

i dont think you can make it a wiki

@arete can tho

also @Arete can you do me a favor and change my name to “grilledcheese”

You can only make it to a wiki, when you have trustlevel 3, aka forum veteran

lol we just pinged arete 3 times

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Marshal why were you obvscum?

marshal got more and more blatant as the game went on

i wasn’t rlly trying tbh

i jsut wanted to meme

@Chloe @Wazza

Marshal tried to mislynch Ami
we should have known it
