[Look a Turbo!] Popcorn Mafia

sulit i trust with the gun more but chloe is a good shot

its not i dont understand

i said it

game ends when we misshoot.

Is this a slip?

i want marshal ded

it’s a 7’er

so no it doesn’t dingus

marshal waz

marshal chlub

/Shoot Chloe

If this is wrong it’s sulit/Italy.

Outlook bad.

yes, pin the two people afk. very good plan.


ur active now so u can’t use that

also @clonedcheese

apparently I’m fucking dependable and a cowboy?

i definitely remembered this game

We should wait for clonedcheese because I shot.

ah shit.

i mean i can just

do the flip

hi sorry

angry parent syndrome

@Chloe has died!

@Jane still has the gun.

Outlook very bad.