[Look a Turbo!] Popcorn Mafia


I forget my popcorn ratios but I think 6/2 was the target

I know
Is that why I said it?
Maybe Iā€™m just trying to manipulate you

Maybe we should use the time we have?

im a born thrower

if youā€™re town then shoot ami imo

/shoot Priestess

guys on some level getting shot as town isnā€™t good

sure you could try and GKB it but at the end of the day thatā€™s -1 town

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Shut up!

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@katze had died! They were Town! (durr)

@anon97870008 has the gun! Day ends in 10 minutes!

/shoot sulit
Iā€™m so sorry


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I think orange is the play here
why are posts not loading

oh my god I had a panic attack

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cheese didnā€™t you like my post lmao

Sulit is the Host.

Also letā€™s not shoot 1 minute into day this time.

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I like posts for humor not AI

anyways @anon97870008 no shooting until at least 8 mins

Everyone: donā€™t shoot!

Priestess: Yeehaw motherfuā€“

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Anyways itā€™s me Priestess Cheese Jgoes and Ami yeah?

@Ami are you even here

We should seriously think about it, because if itā€™s wrong weā€™re all dead.

We have