[Look a Turbo!] Popcorn Mafia

shoot marshal


i doont have gun

kat lockscum

Ami always W here

Wait rip he’s the gunbearer

hold the fuck up everyone

if im lockscum why would i want you shot you nerd

I can divine anyone’s alignment by reading their username fear me scum

shoot kat

Lets be real if either of us gets it we are shooting the other


what meme are you two about

shoot marshal

hes a weeb

and shoot firekitten next

Policy shoot Ami

you dare threaten me

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Where is Ami?

ok is getting scolded by parent
one moment plz

shoot… where’s italy

shoot him

only room for 1 texan

Did they post last game

im so sorry you’re too late again D:

are you locktowning me

@Italy Cmere

this town aint big

for the both of us
