[Look a Turbo!] Popcorn Mafia

burn the corpse

maybe priestess is fine with getting shot as wifom but idk


Day ends in 2 mins


tell me when one

Shoot Italy.

Or Priest or me

she told me to shoot her last game as town

but i could see her doing it as scum

Priestess>DryBones>Italy is winning FMPOV

I can handle it!

why Italy?

Why Priest

i do think priestess is more likely to be town than DB/Italy tho

for science reasons

@anon97870008 can I trust you with the gun

I can definitely do that as scum

then why shoot them first


Day ends in 1 min

it sounded like your plan was shooting her first so i worded it out like that

/Shoot Italy

@italy carry town plz

You can trust me with it