[Look a Turbo!] Popcorn Mafia

Damnit Marshal.

you donā€™t get cat pics

Wazza is MVP purely because of this also he was right


He was TRing me too much and thatā€™s not like Marshal thatā€™s illegal

most of my game was just asking me to be shot lmao


shouldnā€™t it be 3p LyLo with Wazza/Italy/Marshal?


oh yeah it should wtf.

yeah wait

See my reads are so inconsistent and I donā€™t know why.

shouldnā€™t there have been 3 wolves as well?

Also, yes.

@Italy who would you have shot be honest

Since 7 players = 4 town 3 wolves

no contest?

game integrity broken
i call for a draw

ok im gonna go byeeee

Marshal was obvious and Italy not existing made it harder to see that

Also @Chloe why are you so obvious when you are scum.

marshal sole winner :sunglasses:

Also I only shot Jgoes over Marshal because I wanted him to test his reads

He had scum equity too but

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