LoTRFM - Dead Chat

but yea set, tone is half the puzzle, reading motivations is the other half and i would ask FK or Eevee for help with that

@Settoblow VOTE BLUE HEā€™S SCUM


/vote blue

chuga chuga choo choo

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@SetToBlow vote blue itā€™s a good idea GO GO GO


dat isnt here

why isnā€™t he here

mod kills dont get in deadchat

By the way Iā€™m redeemed since I killed mafia so you canā€™t blame me if town looses


thatā€™s dumb

wait actually no

This statement is correct

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well i mean im not sure what dead interaction exists. i remember hearing about it before. if its only vulgard then i think we can be pretty sure that vulgard was town since i dont think kai would try and convince us otherwise if it were mafia dead.

as i said when you flipped, its partially on you for not defending yourself :man_shrugging:

1, if you are the first to point out your own meta, it means basically nothing either way, to town or to scum
2, idk about most of these people, but i stopped listening only after you refused to argue against peopleā€™s scumreads for you

see, this is the kind of mindset that makes it nai. if your introspective enough to realize your own meta and extenuate it as town, its enough to artificially put it in as scum. so i want you to know ill stop accepting this meta as evidence should i play with you again

that wouldnt have worked on we were i in that game since i would have just discounted it rather than scumread over it

laughs in cold, hard logic

depends on context, the posts before and after. in a vacuum it could just as likely be someone frustrated at someone elseā€™s incapabilities, as it could be someone jokin off about a misplay someone else did.

explains why im dead dry on reads most of the time

1 i would first point out that no proven =/= proven no. i.e. lack of evidence for =/= evidence against and see if they amend their statement.
2 i would point out that assumes their telling the truth which the town at large cannot accept as fact
3 it totally depends on the person and situation

just memorize quadratic formula and all your woes will disappear. if you have access to a graphing calculator that helps but you should really understand how to do it by hand before you use that.

honestly i have a feeling blue is town, not based on reads or their actions before/after death but purely from the clean. my theory is that mafia probably has cleaning as one of their hammer passives.

i mean it makes sense. in a game without dead interaction i dont see why they wouldnt be added to deadchat (barring some toxicity things) but with it it makes sense since theyre removed from the game

looks at title
i know i messed up but you dont have to be rude about it :cry:

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/Pat Pat

Itā€™s okay Simon, you can be unofficially part of the town if we win

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Is Blizer gamethrowing?

I think itā€™s funny how people seemed to realize that current PoE makes no goddamn sense and then deluded themselves into reasons to go with it anyway.

Unless Marshal/Ginger are all mafia, idk.

Ginger seemed to me more like a village idiot the whole game.

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If heā€™s mafia, itā€™d be actually impressive spam work by him.