LoTRFM - Dead Chat

Yeah I know lol. He was in the dead chat and I thought he was scum that could communicate with the dead :upside_down_face:

I think it was funny that you fell for it.

Oh right youā€™re talking about a week ago or whatever.

Yeah that makes sense :stuck_out_tongue: It was a pretty decent tunnel huh? Too bad we didnā€™t get to see his reaction to my wall on him.

so yeah idk how hes acted here but theres a good probability imo that blue is town and one of his two hammers was mafia with the cleaning as a hammer passive

Also sorry for scum reading you astand

I mean, everything arete said dead were talking about never happened.

Not your fault probably, I was pissed at the game.

First pkr took my joke by face value, then magnus just kinda threw.

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2 great town pr just gone

Yeah I was kinda frustrated with that too

This game seems townsided to me actually.

directs you over to the debate about claimvigs in the cookie thread that i started

Thereā€™s been so many town protectives killed, and thereā€™s still guards and shit going on.

Itā€™s pretty crazy.

Yeah itā€™s townsided af, but everyone is just sheeping and no one cares so thatā€™s a huge help for scum

honestly tho it probably was a good move to make it that townsided as it was inevitable that some people would die to claimvig/flavor claiming



Game has been braindead for a while, but Blizer, I really dislike how you handled it.

If town are being potatoes, you cant just give up on correcting them. And if you have stuff to do, why sub in.

Im not sure if Blizer is supposed to be in dead chat already.

Slank vig of all roles being lynched is hilarious though.