LoTRFM - Dead Chat

Biggest Lul moment

Honestly, it was easy to tell

some of their interactions seems like stuff they would say in their mason chat tbh.

yeah but now someone owes Eevee 10$

and it isnā€™t me

i didnt even pay attention to any of that.

my reasons were purely mechanical* and some prior knowledge of hip as a player
*well, and flavor

is hjasik scum then or nah.



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its official.
poisoned now owes eevee 10 bucks


I gambled my debt away

i suppose ill let him know

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Invite him to the dead chat since heā€™s practically in everyoneā€™s Rolecard anyway

nah i just messaged him
perhaps if @Geyde wants to do that he can but im not risking it

Do it

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Squid owes you ten USD Dollars, Enjoy

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You are free, not gonna collect that debt from you.

Have fun.

They arenā€™t dead though

Remove Eevee mod and mute him we canā€™t allow him to let squid free

but i wanted to buy the debt :sob:

Hja is so weird. Do they normally act like this? Their erratic behavior almost makes me want to lynch them the next game I play with them.