LoTRFM - Dead Chat

I’d say not really main reasons, but significant factor.

Even with claimvig going off 3 times and getting 5 mislynches, town was still really close because their night actions were p good


Quite true tbh

his behaviour was unnatural.

why the fuck would you claim ret with a potential claim vig

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also magnus needs to be PLd until he learns to read and actually play the fucking game

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What was it again, I legit don’t remember or missed it.

Question to everyone.


Alice and her entire play there threw town off their game tbh

like, it fucked them up.


I don’t remember where it was exactly but alice claimed self-resolving desperado and vulgard kept pushing for her lynch and literally said he wanted her dead before she could self-resolve. It was more complex but that was the gist


Also lul at Mafia’s actions

Used skeletons 3 times to attack
Wiffed on town, killed neutral, and killed a town

1-shot vig
Wiffed on town

Confirmed frame in game since Chiang was immediately shot, all wiffs

Marshal’s strongman-izer
Didn’t do anything

Factional kills
n1 suceeded (not surprise)
n2 wiff
n3 hit guard
n4 wiff

Astand: i think ur scum pkr
Pkr: claims most important town role and fucking dies


people need to learn that their first defense shouldnt be their claim


i didn’t use my claim in SFoL52 to bail my ass out when i made a play semi-under the influence

i fuckin manned up and CONVINCED people Jake had a better shot at flipping scum

I didn’t even call him scum, I was kinda trolling him tbh, I would have never expected him to take this so seriously.

Super excited for the Danganronpa FM

cause someones gonna claim an ability and is gunna die.

Also the retri was supposed to be like the counter to vul’s convert

In terms of EV

My answer:


yes, definitely!


i played like a wolf in sfol52 lol