LoTRFM - Dead Chat

I don’t know why it was in
but I thought Luxy had a grand strategy with it, so I didn’t really want to remove it



i wasnt wrong when he made that post about his reads

two people he town read were scum

and two people he scum rread were town

gave me a red flag

but, i wouldnt think scum could give double vote to FK, but he easily lied and gave it to himself

I was Legolas

I still don’t know HOW people were townreading Arete after my clean, it was blatantly obvious that he was scum after that

Some of the wolves played very well this game

STB and Marshal carried scum through the midgame
Arete carried scum through the late game with their push on blue / getting into neighborhood / manipulating neighborhood

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Pretty muchh.

If you had flavour claimed deliberately you would have been blacklisted

Vulgard got peeked as town n1 and ran with it

Dat’s flavor claim isn’t as wrong in my eyes
He genuinely fucked up

Magnus flavor claiming on the other hand was just irresponsible

Look I’ve decided to not get magnus blacklisted because if i did dat would have to be too and dat doesnt deserve


I know

Again, Me being emotional and stressed

Also lol @ dat claiming treebeard to hjasik, who was treebeard


What was the best quote of the game again

pretty much this

This is quote of the game


don’t think I have ever been shaken from a game like this

Alice doing that shook me

Congrats firekitten

idk how much this is my place to say, so let me know and ill shut up, but there is definitely at least one other game where magnus has been slanking and i happen to know that someone asked the host if the host wanted him blacklisted. the host said no in this instance but i feel as though this is relevant info

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on a more positive note the biggest play this game in my opinion was fk’s 3d chess

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think about this with flavors in mind