LoTRFM - Dead Chat

I did ask to be subbed out lol


I wanna wring Areteā€™s neck

You better wring necks of all villagers who voted you.

I knew your entrance was pure, the replacement was supposed to save the slot.

I still donā€™t know wtf was Alice thinking though.

Is there still dead interaction?

Nothing is going on here, I donā€™t think so.

Ugh. Iā€™d want to show my card but I canā€™t if thereā€™s still dead interaction, obviously

I mean, you were obv town just from the fact that no one gave shit about you getting lynched when mafia is almost at parity. And from the fact that you had to fight against the entire thread.

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@Luxy Are you allowed to tell us if dead interaction still remains?

There is still dead interaction

Hint: check the maps

Wow, thatā€™s annoying, the map that occupies.

Itā€™s probably never going to get chosen anyway.

But whatā€™s even more annoying:


Isnā€™t this game mech lock already, why is this still going on.

@BlueStorm I think you can paraphrase all your abilities anyway if you want.

So one was the hunter bear ability from ToL except it wouldnā€™t protect me from kills
I had a day ability that would give me night immunity
and the voting kill one

Everything I said was true

I really got shafted by Alice here

Oh and if I got the hammer on a mafia player, I would regain a use of the bear and vote kill