LoTRFM - Dead Chat

How is FK town, wtf.

I think I killed Simon and Set at the same time

I ask that myself everyday

At least my Datā€™s TMI on you read wasnā€™t wrong lol.

Arete and Vulgard probably scum

Maximus is town and sulit is scum

@simon who did you attack

Arete IS scum, FK.

Note the absence of his presence in this chat.

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As well as the absence of his death.

Derp/Vul/Arete all scum

The dead map would be so sweet rn

STB, you played really well btw. I didnā€™t even suspect you, but admittedly I havenā€™t been paying too much attention

Hm. I said I thought Alice v Arete was TVS originally and then I backed off because people were suspecting me and Alice being on the same scum team. I should have disregarded that and just stuck with my intuition instead of being so fearful of getting scum read and ruining the game for everyone else, but I definitely donā€™t blame myself, I can confidently say that I made the effort

allow me to cackle

I know Arete and Vul for sure are. There mightā€™ve been a convert last night too

we donā€™t have conversion

unless thereā€™s a LW that does

Ah rip, good for us I guess