LoTRFM - Dead Chat

because you didn’t defend yourself and instead was thinking scum were going to get lynched if you don’t defend yourself

It’s part our fault for listening to arete, but you didn’t even try that hard to defend yourself.

it’s very easy to see someone as evil when they have a redcheck on yourself

Y’all threw my meta out the window and stopped listening, not my fault :man_shrugging:

Also, regardless if you’re right or wrong, yelling and swearing at people isn’t convincing.

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So that could probably have been improved.

Believe it or not, swearing is not an acceptable meta defense


you just got mad expecting to be cleared from that

that’s delusional

I am angry therefore I am town.

Worked for me countless times before.

its so easy to turn someones town meta on them

see what I did with Jake in clash of cults. I was able to convince that he was intentionally going into his town meta to dodge the lynch

but then again

most players arent jake

If that’s really your attitude at this game then just wow

I can’t imagine how.

People generally don’t like listening to arrogant pricks.

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so if
angry= town is your meta, its very easy to turn it on you

99% of my play is emotion based

emotional reads are hard to do via text but I generally keep my emotion reading to myself as it isnt really based in much fact

This is part of another thing I found playing FM for the first time.

You’ve got to throw logic, sensibility and heuristics out of the window in order to keep a good volume of reads up. Half the time people’s reads made no sense to me and I couldn’t figure out how to contribute to that.

Also blatantly misreading text lol.

emotion reading is much more easier face to face

plus via text its super easy to fake.

“your such a fuckin dumbass, I literally have a redcheck on you and you are acting like it doesn’t exist?”

What tone does that post convey?

It just got ridiculous at times.

would like Set to answer btw, i may not be good but when it comes to picking up emotions i like to think im decent

Oh yeah welcome to forum mafia here I hope you enjoy your stay

This site isn’t good at mafia