LoTRFM - Dead Chat

no one can trust chaos mdude

“I’m bulletproof, scum there’s no point in attacking me tonight you will just waste your night kill, obviously I’m not lying here as who would EVER lie about being BP amirite”


Also I guarded ginger

I should state this for me

whenever I know I get lynched, my behaviour is NAI, cause I’m accepting my fate lul

This may be the worst town performance since VCFM.


I had the answer I needed the whole time

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Oh Big time

They cant read for shit and are tunneling on mechanics

If hippo is town, this is the worst ive seen him play.

I can say I killed scum and be content mislynching three town :slight_smile:

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I agree town is terrible, when I first died I wanted to flame everyone

After this game ends

we can lul.

Also, i was serious on that i would have flavour claimed

but its just not petty at all

They were also acting like arrogant fucks (town), and i hope this game quells that pride.

Does flavor claiming get you a warning that over reigns all FM games in FoL or would it have been a legitimate strategy to be able to deduce (e.g. “Flavor claim if you’re town or we lynch you as scum”)

Luxy said it up so that scum were the villans and everything.

Flavor claiming is usually NAI in most games, aside from these where the flavor is the villains no matter what

It’s a great strategy if you want to be modkilled and have your win condition changed to survive till the end of the game while also getting blacklisted from all future games


Yeah I didn’t know

would explain blue’s clean

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I expect Ginger to be killed tonight

or Hjasik

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Blacklist-able offence to intentionally flavour claim for an advantage

didnt do it for a reason

cause, why would I break a game that took weeks to months to make

I’m just not in a good mood