LoTRFM - Mafia Chat

I really think we wait for Derps first here

yeah definitely
if I do that Iā€™m gonna do it later

Iā€™m so worried that FKā€™s thread softs are going to be true and FK is guarding Ginger tonight

too late to change the plan now, but

well the worst-case scenario canā€™t happen two nights in a row can it?

Iā€™ve just realized my ring ability isnā€™t great for us at this stage of the game

unless I can use it separately like my skeletons

Arete, have you claimed who youā€™ve linked yet?

And does it fit with when they are on, etc?

I claimed to have linked Solic and that his response was processed while I was sleeping; I wish I could fake an incomp but based on what you pointed out earlier I didnā€™t think I could get away with it.

The problem is that Iā€™m pretty sure itā€™s still angleshooting for us to check timestamps even if the reason weā€™re doing it is to avoid other people angleshooting us? but itā€™s consistent with Solicā€™s posting in places other than the thread (and thereā€™s always the ā€˜his response was delayed because the hosts werenā€™t onlineā€™ excuse).

I donā€™t think itā€™s anfleshooting for us, as we gain no out of game info as you are faking it.

itā€™s a stupid grey area at this point

iā€™ll probably just uh
try to bullshit my way through the day, i donā€™t think i have strong ideas about what i should do

If nothing goes wrong (which, I canā€™t shake the feeling that something will but itā€™s too late to change the plan at this point) I think we can get a mislynch on either Andrej or Maxi

and oh so you didnā€™t ā€˜link chiangā€™?

wait why would you link chiang

No, we talked about it in neighborhood chat and decided the best thing to do was for me to link Solic and ask for Chiangā€™s result

so what fake result did you give them?

I really wanted to fake an incomp but for reasons that might or might not be angleshooting Marshal was able to determine that Chiang hasnā€™t been online

and if Marshal can determine that so can the town

he hasnā€™t been online for the entirety of time he was dead?

Iā€™m not sure if answering that qualifies as angleshooting or not

i personally find that a little hard to believe
that he would be offline for this long