LoTRFM - Mafia Chat

see you say that

and yet

Believe me, Iā€™d rather have a fake incomp result here



pressing enter
for no reason at all

separating statements
that donā€™t need to be separated

this is my typing style
throughout this game
just because

Clearly itā€™s your scumtell

I slept peacefullyā€¦

ā€¦this is foreboding.

I wonā€™t enter the thread for a while

Set has died.



I shouldā€™ve gone with my gut there :frowning:

youā€™re some kinda prophet what the hell

alright well 3v ā€¦ Iā€™m assuming only 1 kill went off ā€¦ 3v8? if I did my math correctly

thatā€™s not so bad

at least until someone notices that the person who pushed a cleaned player hard-defended multiple flipped scum with bad reasoning

you know there are many things i couldā€™ve predicted during d3
but you surviving in stbā€™s place was not one of them

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Kittenā€™s dead, Derps was unable to investigate Andrej

ā€¦It appears that my read on Simon was slightly incorrect. Thatā€™s an oof.

oh great weā€™ve just killed a neut
ā€¦not the best night really

ā€¦yeah, uh, sorry

itā€™s not your fault donā€™t blame yourself
i never wouldā€™ve guessed simon was a neut

looks like iā€™m going back to the joat claim

I donā€™t think you need to claim yet

weā€™ll see