LoTRFM - Mafia Chat

BTW, although my hammer might be useless on mordor, I can still use it to prevent derps or anyone else bled/poisoned from being healed

By the way, if STB ever flips, Iā€™m going to use their flip to put suspicion on the veterans for coaching them :upside_down_face:

Yeah, youā€™ve kinda been the ā€œcoachā€(But i do give a lot of credit to set)

alice, solic, FK are all good people to shade

Yeah, not going to lie, I see where Solic is coming from when he says Set doesnā€™t seem like a newbie :eyes:

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Admittedly I have played a fair bit of Subterfuge, which is also heavy on deception and text analysis. Iā€™ve got some experience with this sort of thing.

well you should say that.

because right now, It seems really sus that you are better then most newbies

Alright, will do when I get the chance.

Would it be okay for me to tell Alice something along the line of ā€œI donā€™t like Solic, I think heā€™s scum, and it would be immensely satisfying to see him flip scum as I think he willā€?

I donā€™t really know.

I say go for it

whatever you think works

I would cut the ā€˜as I think he willā€™ and change ā€˜would beā€™ to ā€˜will beā€™

Reading someone based on the slight different phrasing is straight up ridiculous, and Iā€™ll mention that if anyone scumreads me off of it.

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@luxy if vul is last scum alive, and is lynched, does he get to convert first, or does the game immediately end

Convert goes first

:+1: Got it, ty

Idle speculation: itā€™s plausible to me that the setup is such that a Vul lynch and getting the Eye of Sauron is actually super necessary for us

Iā€™m in an interesting position.
I am now genrally townread, and can get hammer.
It will be sus if i die to claimvig, but Op said it can be prevented, so Imma play off of that.

who do I vig?
Astand? tele?

I think getting alice to modpeek vul and die is 100% the best play

i can confirm myself with factional kill, or just do whatever

Youā€™re not on the Astand wagon, I think you have more leeway for a Tele vig, since you can play it off as a legitimate associative read.

Chiang honestly seems like a decent choice as well, theyā€™re an inactive scumread player but shooting them removes a parity cop; Iā€™d say either you vig them or I use Rend on them, not sure which would be better.

You should keep in mind the possibility that someone else will snipe hammer.

chiang can be claimvigged