LoTRFM - Mafia Chat

sog maybe,

but settoblow has pretty important abilities

Iā€™m thinking settoblow should vig very quickly.
Town can have a dayvig too.

I think Iā€™ve just realized what my scumtell is and Iā€™m actively trying to fix that.

A lack of ISOs?

I suggest making ISOs

ISOs Good

Basically my tone is far less confident as scum. I use a lot of ā€˜I thinkā€™, ā€˜I guessā€™, ā€˜maybe.ā€™ As town I donā€™t do that at all. As tone I tunnel hard and donā€™t give a damn about people scumreading me.

Gotta try to replicate that here because Iā€™ve been underwhelming just like Alice called me before.

As TOWN. 10 characters

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Iā€™m vaguely tempted to claim a class with a mechanics oracle element and throw out a mixture of true and false information, but thatā€™s probably a bad idea?

anything goes.

as long as false info canā€™t be disproved, I say go for it.

But ofc just not claiming is the better idea

Honestly, the biggest problem I see with this plan is that people might wonder why Iā€™m not getting claimvigged.

Actually you bring up a good point.
I can easily say my hammer is really strong but I wonā€™t claim how exactly because Iā€™ll get ā€˜claimviggedā€™ otherwise

maybe ā€œsoftā€ the info like if someone says there isnt covnersion you could be like ā€œim not suuuuure about thatā€

so gladiate is where only 2 people can be voted, and if 1 person of the two is viggedā€¦ what happens?

I Think ya know where iā€™m going with this

I think itā€™s a meme gladiate?

If one person is vigged I think the gladiate ends on the spot.

I know in Clown Fiesta vigging one half of the gladiate autoresolved it with the other half getting lynched.

@Luxy if one person in a gladiate is vigged, what happens to the other.

Poor Luxy, all these pings.



10 characters

Do we think this is enough of a claim to claimvig PKR?

Do we think PKR is telling the truth?