LoTRFM - Mafia Chat

wait yeah scum couldn’t be occupied so uh yeah

I don’t think I can clear you but I’m trying to stall

no way you are getting healed ever no matter what I do

bluestorm tunnel was a bad idea

is half this court just passively death immune

because no way anyone heals Blue last night and we removed positive effects from FK

do I try to defend myself here or do I shut up so I can reduce spew

at this point I’m not fighting to defend you I’m fighting to stall
not sure what you should do yet
n2 was the worst possible scenario YOU WOULD EVEN GET VIGGED IF NOT FOR STB



for when you need to fakesolve based on my spew

note for SFoL 51 purposes that Wazza and I were a starting scumteam together and yet we spent basically all of D3 attacking each other

lowkey considering not Rending Derps and letting him assume he got a flipped result

somebody’s going to call out the fact I mentioned stalling and you suddenly shifted from ‘lynch bluestorm, I’m not scum’ to ‘let’s stall’

I see it and other people will probably see it too
or maybe they won’t I hope they won’t

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with the amount of protectives they seem to have I have to go to endgame I think
and it’s gonna be hard when you flip

seriously though how many protectives do they have

at least three still alive

If we can get anyone to L-1 I can hammer them, I’m basically outed scum anyway so I might as well take someone with me

if I tunnel Blue to hell and back then at least I’m only clearing one person when I flip

i see a big issue
i’m currently the only person not in the poe but that’s going to change with your flip and especially marshal’s flip if he ever flips
i think the only way we win this (assuming town doesn’t go after each other) is if i perform my 400 iq move and convert ginger

at this point i would ask you to tunnel me but you’ve been hard defending me so the narrative wouldn’t fit

Ginger’ll be outed as soon as he can no longer add people to his chat

I think you convert Hippo here, he’s half a Mason pair and he’ll basically be towncleared after my flip

oh yeah he’s a neighborizer
crap, my 400 iq plan

you know what would be funny
if i converted bluestorm