LoTRFM - Mafia Chat


/factional kill (NAME)

What do we think about a ginger-kill?

vul is hitting simon with his thang, I believe


yeah now that areteā€™s healed we should be fine to kill ginger.



ā€¦darn it, it worked in preview.

Thoughts on factional killing ginger?

Thought agreed

What should I do?

Lie to derps?

I actually think you lie to Hippo here, though Iā€™m not sure how thatā€™ll interact with things particularly if he follows one of us

Derps claims heā€™s making himself frame immune and I also know who his target is, so.

or at least who he claims it is

Who? Ten chars



So I lie to hippo?

I think so.

Currently thinking:
-Marshal lies to Hippo
-I frame Andrej in case Derps was bluffing or wrong about frame immunity
-Vulgard skeletons Simon
-STB factional-kills Ginger

though actually I think Squid might be preventing visits to Hippo? so Iā€™m not sure

thoughts on this plan?

Iā€™ve submitted.

It seems all good in da hood

Sounds good. Iā€™m submitting now.